Sunday 18 May 2014

Getting your MOOC on

 The initiative of Open Learning is growing rapidly, and a lot of that is thanks to the creation of courses known as MOOCs.  A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) allows you to enrol from the comfort of your own home, into a course of your interest. 


The ‘massive’ part comes from the fact that most of the courses do not have restrictions on enrolment numbers.  Udacity for example, which has links with elite American Universities such as Dartmouth and Northwestern, has 28 courses and 2 million users.


‘Open’ refers to the limited restrictions (if any) placed on enrolment.  Some courses though may have suggested prerequisites.  Open also means the content of the course is free.  Some courses however to charge a fee for certificates of completion or for credits towards university or college courses. 


‘Online,’ well that one is pretty straightforward.  There’s no face to face time required (you may be able to access skype and video links) but you do not have to attend campus.  And there is limited opportunity to have one on one time with the expert taking the course.  You are competing for his/her attention with potentially 10,000 other class mates!


‘Course’ refers to the fact that is structure to the curriculum design.  Some providers such as Coursera run their courses in semesters, others however  allow you to enroll at any stage.


The quality of MOOCs is variable, as some only allow renowned field experts conduct courses, where as others allow any user to upload courses. 


MOOCs have opened up the world of education to millions of people that would of once found it inaccessible.  Elite universities which were once unobtainable unless you were wealthy or on scholarship are now providing education to masses of people.  

 Is there a place for MOOCs in nursing?  Sure.  It's a great chance for nurses to expand existing knowledge with courses or to learn about a new specialty.  But the practical component as the least of a Nursing degree cannot be replaced by an online course.  The learning environment of university labs, having a on-hand expert to guide you and give immediate feedback is essential.


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