Saturday 21 June 2014


David Boud's lecture was very interesting and in line with the other areas of curriculum design and modules of ED6112.  In the way that it's much more student focused and supportive.  Seeking active engagement by the students in assessment.

I really agree with his ideas of moving assessments away from the end of semester and spreading the load.  My unit has done that, although it's still pretty hectic as nursing is an 8 week academic semester.  But the final exam is 100%.  It would be nice to spread that load across the semester (as per Assessment 3).

What I'd like to integrate from David's talk is getting students to mark their own assessments. Currently with skills, the students do their video assessment and that's it.  Its a summative assessment and there is no feedback other than receiving a pass/fail (unless they fail and review their video prior to reassessment). My issue with this is:

Some students just fall over the line (despite being on the 'fail' side of the rubric) but they get a pass and consider themselves safe.  They need feedback on this skill, they need to improve, to be truly safe.

If they do this, then I think we'll see improvement in the following skills as there's many areas that cross over between skills. 

My plan (to suggest to the powers that be) is to give every student access to their video  and the students are to submit a marking rubric with their marks for each section (of my new improved rubric for assessment 3).  Then tutors when reviewing the video assess against what standards the students believe they are.    I think this gives students clear understanding of their strengths and weakness and also complete transparency in assessment.

The end results would be student nurses on practicum having improved skills, and being more workplace ready.

Only issue will be: the turnaround times involved and potential increased workload on tutors...
I'll keep stewing on that one...

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