Tuesday 11 March 2014

Mapping my mind

Having listened and watched a slide show on Curriculum Design: The big picture I set about making a mind map for a unit I had an idea about.  This medication calculation unit, is really a subject within an established unit.  It's problematic though, as it's almost squashed into an already busy unit because it's something that 'has to be done.'  The thing is, it doesn't just have to be done, it has to be assessed and the pass mark is 100% and that is required by the nurses professional registration body.  I think it needs more focus. 

So full of enthusiasm I looked at the basic mind map and set about making mine, really focusing on the constructive alignment with the other practical unit.

Here's the example framework:

Here's my attempt:

So on review of my own work, what's included?
  • alignment with other units
  • thought regarding governing body requirements
  • basic assessment (100% pass)
  • alignment within the course (prerequisite for another unit)
  • Timeframe.
  • content
Now when I look at what's not there... I see just how 'surface' my mind map is
  • clear outline of cohort
  • delivery mode ( how can I have missed that?)
  • resources
  • assessment for formative feedback
  • teaching and learning environment
  • activities
  • and  I think this is enough, point taken...curriculum design is indepth! 

Although I've given myself a high five for working through the online mind map software (with minimal expletives).

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